Get real-time Notion updates in Telegram for effective team collaboration

Stay informed with real-time updates, and collaborate seamlessly with your team

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Get updates

Stay up-to-date on project updates in Telegram workchats. Keep track of your team's progress without having to constantly check the board.

Discuss work progress

Discuss work progress directly in your Telegram workchats. Collaboration is seamless and effective.


Tool takes security and privacy seriously and uses industry-standard security measures to protect your project data and information.

How to get started

Easy to setup


Open a bot

In Telegram app search for @notionPMBot in the search bar and start a bot.

Connect your workplace

Connect to the Notion workplace in a new window. By default, it is tracking all properties.


Stay up-to-date and work together effectively.

Choose group to add or work in bot. Start to receive real-time updates and collaborate effectively with your team.

No tricks or nuffin

Plans for brands of every size.


Get notified when you have changes
No contracts. Cancel anytime.
  • Notification
  • Deliverables as-you-need
Get started


Get notified and manage a tasks
No contracts. Cancel anytime.
  • Webflow websites
  • Ongoing site maintenance
  • Create a tasks
Get started
Don't be nasty

Frequently asked

What does this tool do?
an arrow pointing down

Our Telegram bot enables you to receive updates directly in your Telegram Workchat or through the bot. Easily monitor your team's progress without needing to constantly refer to the board. Stay up-to-date and streamline your team's progress tracking with our bot.

Can I use this for free?
an arrow pointing down

Yes, it is free and there are no limits on the number of requests you can make.

Which industries/jobs can use this tool?
an arrow pointing down

This tool can be used in different industries that need good collaboration and project management skills. These include software development, marketing, advertising, design, consulting, education, and non-profit organizations.

How can I be sure that my project data and information is safe and secure?
an arrow pointing down

Tool takes security and privacy seriously and uses industry-standard security measures to protect your project data and information.

Stay up-to-date with your project's progress, and have discussions
in real-time

Try for free

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Together we'll build what's needed next.

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NotionPM - Get real-time Notion updates in Telegram for better teamwork | Product Hunt

Get real-time updates

Never miss project updates in Telegram workchats. Stay on top of updates without constantly checking the board

Discuss project updates

Do work right in Telegram chats. Create, assign, change and stay sync'd as a team.

Discuss work progress directly in your Telegram workchats. Collaboration is seamless and effective.